CCC SMHP is an initiatives funded by Mental Health Services Act (Prop. 63) and implemented by the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA). CalMHSA is an organization of California counties working to improve mental health outcomes for individuals, families, and communities. CCC SMHP is based on strategic directions targeting faculty, staff, and students in all 113 California community colleges.
California Community College Programs, Practices, and Policies 'Online searchable Database'will assist colleges including the CSU and UC campuses in discovering what their colleagues across the community college system are doing to promote student mental health on campus.
Virtual Learning Lab: Campus Suicide Prevention Online learning lab consists of different modules that can assist colleges and universities with setting goals, planning, and implementing effective suicide prevention programs and trainings. Worksheets, toolkits, step-by-step instructions, evidenced-based practice and resources.